What it Means to be a Man

  1. You get up in the morning and you take care of your responsibilities regardless of how tired you feel, how happy you feel, how sad you feel, how angry you feel, what the weather is like.
  2. You fight until nobody else is standing.
  3. You worship God
  4. You respect the God-given roles that people have. You don’t usurp them and you happily fit within yours.
  5. You love and cherish your wife, live with her in an understanding way and provide for her needs. If you aren’t married yet, live now with your future wife in a way that will show her that you love her and cherish her.
  6. You nurture your children
  7. You don’t let those who are incapable of, by role or resource, Carry your responsibility. You do what you are supposed to do as directed by God in the Bible 
  8. You honor your parents
  9. You serve your employer from the heart, not only when they are looking at you but also when they aren’t.
  10. You keep your word, whether written or spoken.
  11. You speak frank words that are kind, wise and appropriate to the situation.
  12. You don’t lie. You don’t deceive. You don’t tell so-called white lies. You speak the truth to yourself and to others.
  13. You seek to destroy your enemies by way of Making them your friends… but that without compromising your personal character or standards of conduct. You don’t sink to their level. By your example, you compel them to rise to yours.
  14. If your enemies won’t convert, then the obvious should be done.
  15. You are not afraid to oppose evil in whatever and whomever you find it, especially yourself. But you do so not to eliminate the person from existence or viability… but to guide them towards change through kindness if possible. It is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance.
  16. You treat all girls, ladies, women females with complete purity. You are not to ever use, misuse or abuse them for your own pleasures or desires.
  17. Your build into your personal integrity by way of not sacrificing it on the altar of expediency. You get the job done honestly and rightly.
  18. You aren’t rude, crass, obnoxious, overbearing. You don’t tell or listen to dirty jokes. You are dignified and clean.
  19. Those Romans one people are not your example to follow in any way. Follow Christ.
  20. Don’t call white, black. Don’t call good, evil. Don’t call that which is straight, perverted. Don’t do the opposite either.
  21. If you can do something that you need, you do it.
  22. You take out and manage the trash of others and of your own life
  23. You anticipate needs before they occur and you take steps to meet them… in all areas of life.