Why I Believe Devolution is True

Why I believe Devolution is true and is actually happening:

C.S. Lewis had written many good and helpful works in his lifetime, but his ability to bring high concepts into stories a child can understand is unmatched by many.
I forget what it’s called, but one method of apologetics is the idea that the only thing better than the alleged ‘wishful thinking’ that God exists would be that He actually does exist. I believe C.S. Lewis alludes to this in his book, ‘The Silver Chair’ where the character Puddleglum says something to the effect of even if Aslan doesn’t exist, our fake Aslan is better than your real world any day of the week…


and https://www.azquotes.com/quote/347002?ref=puddleglum.

We live in a world where the fake news media purports itself to be true… and the truth of the 45th President and the good he brought about is denigrated. We are told to believe that which is true, is fake and vice versa… depending on whom you are listening to. So, putting reality aside for the moment and if it was only a matter of preference (which it isn’t), If for no other reason than it is a better story, I am choosing to believe that devolution is true.

  1. I have the scant evidence of what I was able to see from where I am currently residing as a bulwark… the typical atrocities of the political ruling class / deep state on January 6 as seen on YouTube and other locations. This isn’t evidence proper, but seeing police let BLM into the Capitol was sufficient.
  2. I have the character of people I don’t know but get the feeling that they wouldn’t lie to me- Eman Wackagator, Patel Patriot, Juan O’ Savin, X/22. I have no reason to believe these folks any more than anyone else. I’ve never met them. But They make more sense to me than the obviously lying MSM.
  3. I have the good hearted patriots on the various channels and the attendees at the President Trump rallies since then.

I’ll add more reasons above as I get the opportunity. But, If for no other reason than it is a better story, I am choosing to believe the Devolution theory of Trump’s likely reinstatement and the abolishing of our world’s version of ‘Hydra’ as true.