Purchases and Shopping

Auto Items

DISCLAIMER: This page is a directory of sorts of various products and things that we have used / things that we have done. I will tell you some of the benefits of these items, as well as any criticisms I may have of the products as well. Note that I have listed them here as a way of helping you make a decision that is beneficial for you and your family. It doesn’t ultimately matter to me whether you use the items or not.

Because I am trying to also create additional revenue sources for my family, and so that maybe one day I will be able to have enough set aside so that I will be able to exist in the world without a job, I have also added these pages with affiliate links. The links don’t add anything (to my knowledge) of the cost of the products, and I receive whatever it is that the affiliate lets me ‘earn’.

So, if you feel like supporting the long-term stability of our family with the purchase you would already be making is a good thing, feel free to click on any of the affiliate links provided and we will make a percentage of the fee that you were already going to pay.

I appreciate your kindness and willingness to help out!