Making and Fulfilling Goals

Consider why you are doing what you are doing, and how it fits within your larger goals / aspirations and ideals

Create a picture of it 

S – Specific and Detailed 

M – Measurable so that you know when you have achieved it

A – Starts with an Action Word

R – Realistic, not delusional

T – Time based- by what day do you want to have accomplished it by?

E – Excited, Enthusiastic, compelling

R – Relevant to your season in life

B – Behavior that can translated into a habit or series of habits

D – Delight in and enjoy doing the behavior for it’s own sake.

So, the primary purpose here is for the goal to be clear… as clear as humanly possible.

You need to be able to go back to the paper that you have written it on, and assess and evaluate and reevaluate the goal on a regular basis… but not too regular. Try to map out the effort it will take and the time it will most likely take to achieve the thing that you want to achieve. Remember, your purpose here is to establish habits

So, overall goals:

1. Spiritual is in process and being developed; but isn’t where I want it to be yet.

2. Fitness is in process and is being pursued; need to dial in and refine the process more; but isn’t where I want it to be yet.

3. Financial is in process, but isn’t where I want it to be yet.

So here it is: Financial

 Why – Regular income without continual effort so that I have my baseline needs being met independent of continued input. First goal is $3,000 per month. Second goal is $12,000 per month.

Positive motivation is benefit it will bring to my family. Negative Motivation is that if I don’t do it, we are in big trouble.

I have heard that it will take about 1 year to 3 years. If I build one area and focus on it, then shift to another, it seems as though it will work best vs. trying a lot of different things.

Habits required:

A. researching key words and phrases

1. Writing – 1 per day is needed.

2. Drawings and creating designs: Video it.

3. Using software

4. Making videos

5. Video editing

6. Posting the video to various places

7. Refining the video placement

8. After money comes in, boosting posts.