Where to Start? Christian Planning

Logistics had not been my long suit. Managing myself had not really been something that I needed to consider when I was a youth. I eventually, through trial and error, got to a point where things were able to eventually work. How I got there was though bumping my head into brick walls enough to where I learned some lessons. I am happy to share the lessons with you here, so that maybe it will be helpful for you or those who are with you or under you.

Why do we need to manage things? Why do we need to perform well?

We are told to manage our things well from scripture, and that our managemen tracks with our faith. If we have faith, we will be good managers. If we don’t, we won’t.

He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?)…”

1 Timothy 3:4,5

To Manage:

προϊστάμενον (proistamenon) – From pro and histemi; to stand before, i.e. to preside, or to practise.

So, yes, it is important for Dads to teach their children about management. It is even more important to be a good example of what it means to manage things ourselves.

Managing, in my understanding involves two things:

  1. Planning to reach a certain outcome and
  2. Controlling to ensure that the outcome comes about.

In order to plan, you need to have a goal… an endgame, or a destination. We as Christians all have Christlikeness as our ultimate goal. But, I am referring to something more mundane here. If you have a goal established, you then need to be able to reverse engineer or map out the path that you need to take in order to get to the intended destination.

Discliamer: I seek to do everything I do because I love the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to help get people at least up to the point that I am, although I am not that much. So, if anything I write helps, then I would consider that to be a blessing. If not, then hope you were at least entertained.