Context of the story- during the plandemic, we had developed, somehow during our move, a problem with our Van’s bright lights… they wouldn’t light up. Furthermore, when activating the brights, the car lights turned off altogther. This situation came about on our Ford E350 15 seater passeneger van.
So, I took the van to the dealership, but they wouldn’t look at it without an appointment. They said it would take about 3 weeks (must leave the vehicle with them) and then they may or may not be able to diagnose the problem. The problem didn’t immediately jump out to them, and so I would have to wait.
So, I just drove, when I needed to, without my brights for a time.
We got to a point to where we would need to be driving long distances, and probably at night. So, we needed to really fix the problem. I called the dealership; three weeks had been shortened to three days. Still, a long time. We at this point have only one vehicle, so I sought to find the answers to my problem online.
I sought for Using the search terms: Ford E350 Van Bright Lights won’t turn on. I found this video.
After watching it, I remembered that fuses can be an issue. So, I searched even further and found that the literature for our van included a fuse listing with the diagram:
Finding that there was a fuse for brights, I wondered if the fuse was blown. I went to the van this morning, and examined the fuse panel-
It may be hard to see in the photo I took above, but it didn’t have a fuse in it at all! – no wonder the lights weren’t working.
So, I did a search on and found the fuses. I prayed a couple times, asking God that this be the solution to the problem, as I am already facing a large debt load and don’t want to add unnecessary expenses to my bottom line.
There, I found the 15 Amp Mini Fuse. Since the choice for me was either try to find and fix the issue myself (costing over $300 for renting a vehicle just to be able to have the problem diagnosed), I drove to Walmart and purchased a set of fuses for Under $6.
One other thing- I didn’t know if the form factor was for typical or reduced profile fuses. I did a quick search on Chat GPT and the AI told me that it didn’t matter. So, I bought the fuses. To my relief, I tried one, and it worked. This underscored to me the need to try and research things more, troubleshoot more. I would have spent over $300 for ignorance.
God answered my prayer, and I praised Him for doing so as I got back into the car and everything worked!!!
Ignorance is very expensive:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Since you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
Hosea 4:6
So, I fixed the problem and can now take this lesson and encourage my children with it. If you would like to purchase the type of fuse I purchased, you can do so at this link (15 Amp Mini Fuse) . See the disclaimer for info re: how I have a small part of the purchase price for your clicking on the link above.