Welcome Home!

“He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”

Malachi 4:6

I am excited about the direction our work is going with this website and am looking forward to sharing the new content with you as we go.

I am very much of the mindset described by C.S. Lewis where he mentioned that we are beggars trying to tell other beggars where to find the bread.

I believe the bread we all need is the ‘bread of life’ as has been revealed to us in the Bible. His name is Jesus Christ.

Come back often, as we will be regularly updating the work to be found here.

Best regards,

Charles “Papa Bear”

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help Dads become better Christiansbetter Husbandsbetter Fathers and Better Citizens in a Post Modern / Post Constitutional America.


I have set the next 14 weeks as a block to seek exponential Freedom: deliverance from things that have had areas of oppressive tyranny in the following areas: Finances, Health, Faith and Family to name a few.


These posts will be focused on helping dads manage their homes and families better.

Vacations With A Large Family

I am in the process of considering our vacation plans for the future. Below are a series (in an ongoing list) of priorities that we have and will need to reach prior to any of them occurring:

Nitty Gritty

Nitty Gritty- this is where the Rubber meets the Road.

About Us

Hello, My name is Charles Matthews. I am the dad who blogs here at ALargeFamily.com

Whether we are in the middle of the apostasy or just starting it is still open for discussion, but we are seeing an increased polarization in our world and culture that is turning against God, the Bible and God’s people.

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